Shh quiet

Automatically mute, silence your TV sound when commercials start and restore the sound when commercials end.

How It Works

Mr Mute works through your internet connection as an IOT ( Internet Of Things ) device like internet enabled cameras, thermostats, and others. It acts as a universal infrared TV remote with the most common brands built in, Sony, Bose, NEC, LG, Spectrum, Xfinity and many more. If your brand is not listed you can train Mr Mute to learn your TV remote button sequences or perhaps your sound bar sequences.   While the MUTE and UNMUTE button sequences enable Mr Mute, you can also train new buttons like volume up / down or any other.

Custom button sequences can be added when commercial breaks start and end. For example, on this ancient TV, I added custom sequences to change to a different HDMI input streaming my favorite music. With newer "app" enabled TVs Mr Mute can use custom sequences to switch to an app streaming my favorite music. When the commercial break ends Mr Mute uses custom sequences returning back to your TV content.

After you sign up, sign in, purchase and receive Mr Mute you will go through the easy set up to observe lists of cable television and streaming service channels that Mr Mute supports.  Select the channel you are watching, your clicker protocal and Mr Mute will silence the commercials.

Advanced   A I

Mr Mute leverages advanced AI technology to monitor and analyze the audio visual transmition streams emitted by content providers.   Mr Mute is able to automatically detect the begin and end of advertising commercial breaks which are often very loud and annoying.   Other solutions attempting this challenge require your direct involvement on each break or use legacy technology tricks to monitor sound levels and content delivery changes but fail to provide consistantly accurate control of your audio experience.

Sign Up,    Sign In,    Purchase:    Here

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